Sunday, March 6, 2011

as of May 21st - this will no longer matter

not that it is of great import now either, but it seemed important at the time.

I've lost count how many "end of the world" scenarios I've lived through so far, I can only be sorry for the ones I'd missed due to the year of my birth - it could have been more possibly. From memory most have been from 1988 to 2012 - obviously I have yet to survive the Mayan end (didn't that culture already end?) and am looking forward to the May, 21st 2011 Rapture where everybody I know will wake up on the 22nd - and the real party can begin.

I wish to publicly congratulate Lynne Hayes on her editor ship of Bicycle Review - I've been known to use connections before...

Also, there is a new cat around my house - a kitten in fact, five months old, cautious and loving, the other cats are keeping their distance for the most part and the kitten hisses more then the established - I think it will only take a few more days and they will all tolerate each other publicly and love one another privately. 
Now we have - Mingus, Ellie and Billie - a Jazz trio. We use to have Miles but he got ornery and didn't want to play in the band anymore. We still miss him dearly.

last thought for the day...



dazed and tripping backward
blood pouring from my nose
tears bursting from my eyes.
it’s not the first time I’ve had my nose broken
but it never feels the same,
it is always unexpected;
and no-one ever remembers a broken nose
or the stains left on the street and
your street clothes.

and the pretty face
my mother loved
is never
to be

 - Hoc Scripsi


    - You have a kitten? Lucky you! Cool names, too.
    - 'Pow' was awesome... "and the pretty face my mother loved is never going to be the same' such a sense of loss.
    - I googled 'hoc scripsi what does it mean' and lo and behold your post from January showed up! Google is amazing, truly.
    - See ya May 22

  2. The Rupture is on May 21st? Er, Rapture, whatever. That means they'll all miss church the next day. So, will they all fall back down for that, or what?

  3. Gotta love them kittens!
    On my way to Lynne's place!
    I've had my nose busted a couple of times myself. Getting it fixed was worse...
    Good job on the "end of world" scenarios! I'm so tired of them that I almost wish one would happen...

  4. Dude! Just don't get too attached. Remember, 5/21 is fast approaching.

  5. "The pretty face my mother loved is never going to be the same"--it will be the same in her eyes and heart.

    Congrats on the new kitty--I always think the more bright eyes and sharp silvery claws on your side, the better!

  6. Thanks Jhon for the shout out..

    Yes sir, at the ripe old age of 15 I walked into a 6' boy(friend)'s roundhouse kick and he politely broke the hell out of my nose. Due to lack of funds, I now don a gracious nose that is a bit off-center and I find rather sexy on me..just

    Love that poem..POW!!!!


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